酒厂设备. Temperature gauge sits atop metal vessel.


How to 建立一个酿酒厂 | Step 3: Dive Into the Details With Your Team


As the craft distilling market has emerged, it has brought distilleries out of the darkness of aging warehouses. 如今,酿酒厂往往通过设立品酒室,并允许公众与蒸馏过程互动,从而成为旅游目的地. 这给设计酿酒厂带来了新的挑战和机遇, as you must balance your 审美 and functional goals. In addition to getting your process and vision right, 你还必须考虑到适用于你的酿酒厂的建筑规范的细微差别.

从路易斯·沙利文(路易 Sullivan)的现代主义口号“形式遵循功能”开始酿酒厂的设计过程.“如果不了解你的蒸馏工艺(或功能),你就无法创造出一个高效的空间(或形式), 功能酒厂. 这就引出了酿酒厂设计过程中的第一个关键点.

  1. 锁定你的进程

要根据自己的需求设计合适的酿酒厂,首先你需要锁定你的工艺. 也许你正在从每年的生产目标中返回, or your process is based on working with existing equipment. You may have started with a simple block flow diagram, 但现在是时候将其提升到下一个层次,并将细节放入流程流中. 这是蒸馏过程,应该作为你的蒸馏设计的基础.

在一个完美的世界, we could shape a new building around your process, 但现实(和预算)让我们经常进入以前没有为酿酒厂设置的现有空间. 这就是为什么清楚地定义您的流程和生产目标很重要,以便我们可以开始使用这些参数来查看您的建筑.

  1. 理解空间

At its core, a 酒厂 is blend of many different building types. 而热情好客和面向公众的方面是当代酿酒厂越来越重要的组成部分, 蒸馏过程本身仍然包括几种不同的建筑类型,从危险到良性.

When you factor in process byproducts, such as explosive dusts and flammable vapors, with the goal of some form of public interaction, 理解你所创造的空间以及它们之间如何相互作用是很重要的. 检查从颗粒到玻璃的过程中的每一步,以及对每个空间的要求,将使您能够想象每个空间如何开始讲述您的产品故事.

  1. Making Sense of The TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms)

From IBC (国际 Building Code), to EBC (Existing Building Code), to AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction), to NEC (National Electric Code), 到美国(国家消防协会,好吧,这是四个字母),再到我们能脱口而出的大约50个, we have to talk about codes and standards.

Before we get too far down the road on detailed design, 本地化很重要, 状态, 国家的指导方针在整个设计过程中都会被审查和遵循. 棚屋里的蒸馏器的日子已经一去不复返了,因为蒸馏已经从阴影中出现了, 与, 建筑规范 are catching up. Once you’ve developed basic drawings, 让当地的消防队长和建筑官员参与进来总是一个好主意. Early feedback avoids late surprises!

  1. None of Us Is as Smart as All of Us

You have your process locked in, you’ve roughed out your spaces and building flow, you’ve gotten feedback from your local officials, and now it’s time for your design team to make it all happen.

打造酿酒厂的团队有着广泛的背景, 从机械工程师到维护团队成员再到酿酒大师. 让所有的利益相关者都参与到详细的设计过程中是很重要的, because each will have valuable input as you dive into the details.

例如, 你应该让你的维护人员参与泵的布置,以确保他们对可访问性感到满意. 你应该与营销部门合作,规划出你的公共/私人空间,这样你就可以在你的旅行路线上勾勒出完美的景观. 取决于你的位置, you may need to work with farmers to haul off your spent grain, which includes making sure they have adequate access. You’ll also be dealing with hazardous area classifications, 因此,请确保您的设备供应商了解您的空间要求.

在详细设计阶段与相关利益相关者进行每周审查将在您进入施工阶段时获得回报. 得到团队的支持,你就离开酒厂的目标更近了一步!

Next: Make It Happen (Execute the Plan)
In our next post in the How to 建立一个酿酒厂 series, 现在终于到了跨越从计划到执行这一重要关口的时候了. 让我们实现它!

For more information, contact 澳门足彩app’s 啤酒、葡萄酒 & 烈酒事业部负责人, 安东尼•白.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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